This was a poignant year. Six of my students graduated. Moved on. Left.
The official rite of passage was quite different for each. Yet each one moved me as I hated to 'let go'; something I had not expected. Then the letters and notes started arriving. And for that I was REAllY not prepared. It's one thing to work with someone and see the light of understanding pop on -- that's my reward ... seeing relief bursting forth in the eyes, the relaxed smile creeping round the lips, the frown lines disappearing ... but to have that same student take time after graduation is over and done, to say "Thank You"...WOW!
Tears flowed.
I was, I am touched and humbled. My heart is so grateful for those encounters.
A piece of me goes with those young men and women. I hope they know they will always have a very special place in my heart!